706.402 Game Design and Development Week 0 Slides Week 0: Welcome, Course Introduction, Course Format Readings Gamasutra article on “What Makes a Game?” “The Making…
2ND KLAGENFURT GAME JAM Link: http://itec.aau.at/gamejam/ Date: 17th April – 19th April, 2015 Time: 48h, see program! Location: Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt E 2.42 The 2nd Klagenfurt Game Jam is open to…
button 2o15 – Festival of Gaming Culture 06.-07. März 2015 Fr, 6.3.: 15:00 Uhr bis 03:00 Uhr Sa, 7.3.: 10:00 bis 23:00 Uhr Seifenfabrik Graz…
Overview Game jams, hackathons and similar group game creation events have become increasingly popular. They provide convenient environments for collaborative game development throughout the world. These events…
Zur Eröffnung der Global Game Jam 2015 wird es heuer auch Talks von Entwicklern und Forschern im Bereich Game Development und IT geben. Die Vorträge…
2–6 March 2015, University of Göttingen, Germany Details: http://www.gcdh.de/en/teaching/gcdh-spring-school-2015/ Organised by the Göttingen Centre for Digital Humanities (GCDH) 3D visualisation technologies enable and advance the preservation…
48 hours, 25 jammer, 7 games, 4.8 kg cookies, 4.3 kg choclate, 3.1 kg gummi bears, 18.4 l coffee. This was the September Game Graz 2014. As usual…
Some impressions of the 2nd Game Jam Graz. Outcome: 5 awesome projects!
1. Keep it simple! When designing a game which should be delivered in only one weekend it is important to start with simple game mechanics…
(forwarded from http://spraylight.at/globalgamejamgraz/) Innovation, Experimentation, Collaboration Am letzten Wochenende im Jänner 2014 feiert der Global Game Jam Graz (#GGJG) seine Premiere. Der #GGJG ist Teil der…