Science meets Path of Exile
Here is a list of scientific papers about Path of Exile: Thesis:

2024 Games of the Year (my edition)
🎮 My 2024 games picks… This year picking my favourite games was a bit
Exploring League of Legends Through Data Science
In my recent lecture, I explored how “League of Legends” (LoL) offers a fascinating

[DE] Arte Doku
I was part of this documentary by “Arte” about VR and the metaverse.
Streaming Setup
The last weeks I’ve spent a lot of time to improving the quality of

Book recommendations
This is my personal recommendation for a reading list. And also a list of

Inspiring Games
There are not only – similar to movies – *action* games only. There are

I started streaming my lectures and also game dev conversations on Twitch!
Since I am a huge supporter of open knowledge and I love the idea