Open Wonderland Wednesday – Student Presentations
Today the OWL community meetings were starting over again. Two of our students were talking about their Master’s Thesis:
Lisa Tomes is developing tools to support exploratory collaborative learning settings in the form of scavenger hunts in OWL. This includes (a) an itemise functionality, which provides objects with info texts, (b) an info inventory, (c) a student manager, where the teacher can assign 1-4 roles to students, (d) an item board, which provides students with the gathered information, and (e) a quiz. As a first application scenario, Lisa displays the approach and her tools in a setup to learn about the Egyptian culture.
Patrick Weghofer is also about to finish his Master’s Thesis. He is developing a graphical OWL editor, which can be used to move, rotate, and duplicate objects in the world in a 2D window. He focused in his talk on the architecture and implementation of the tool.
Some impressions: