ILRN16 Workshop: Designing Game Elements and Gamification Strategies for Immersive Educational Environments

ILRN Workshop: Designing Game Elements and Gamification Strategies for Immersive Educational Environments


The purpose of this workshop is to bring together scientists, educators, game designers, work professionals, and curriculum developers. Scientists will present their latest results in developing and researching gamified immersive elements in educational environments. Educators and work professionals will present their experience and best-case scenarios for applying those elements to their daily life teaching and work life. Presented ideas will be discussed in terms of impact, expectations of further developments, and possible fields of application. The scope of topics will therefore range from game design or gamified immersive elements in a technical and non-technical utilization.

The second part of the workshop is an interactive design jam to collaboratively discuss and design future game design elements for immersive educational environments. The workshop will be moderated and results will be summarized and documented at the end.


  • 1. Prof. Dr. Kai Erenli LL.M. (Contact Person)
    Film-, TV- and Media Production
    University of Applied Sciences BFI Vienna
    Maria Jacobi Gasse 1/3.4, A-1030 Vienna, Austria,
  • 2. Johanna Pirker
    Graz University of Technology, Austria
  • 3. Prof. Dr. Rainer Malaka
    Universität Bremen
  • 4. Ross Smith, Microsoft
  • 5. Oliver Hödl, Vienna University of Technology
  • 6. Stefan Rasporich, Another Monkey Productions

Tentative Agenda (tba):

  • 14:00 – 14:30 Welcoming & Group Introduction
  • 14:30 – 15:00 Presentation of experiences and best-case scenarios
  • 15:00 – 17:30 “Game Design Elements for Immersive Education Design”-Jam
  • 17:30 – 18:00 Team presentations and wrap up

Intended audience: Researchers, educators and work professionals in the field of gamified learning and game design research


Space and Enrollment restrictions: Enrollment must be limited to 20 in order to moderate the workshop in an appropriate way.