Game Study Links & Resources

Conferences: Focus on Games Research FDG  DIGRA IEEE CIG (C-ranked) CHI (A*-ranked) CHI Play Focus on Computer Science Education ACM SIGCSE Symposium (A-ranked) ACM ITICSE (A-ranked) Virtual Reality & Immersion…

Call for Spring Course on 3D Modeling and Reconstruction with Blender & Unity in Göttingen

2–6 March 2015, Uni­ver­sity of Göttingen, Ger­many Details: Or­gan­ised by the Göttin­gen Cen­tre for Dig­i­tal Hu­man­i­ties (GCDH) 3D vi­su­al­i­sa­tion tech­nolo­gies en­able and ad­vance the preser­va­tion…