Third Annual ICGJ on March 18
from https://globalgamejam.org/news/third-annual-icgj-march-18:
Join us for the 2018 International Conference on Game Jams, Hackathons and Game Creation Events (ICGJ), the first — and so far only — academic conference dedicated to game jams and hackathons. The 2018 conference will be held at Github corporate headquarters in San Francisco on March 18, 2018 and is chaired by Dr. Johanna Pirker of Graz University of Technology (pictured).
Every year, ICGJ brings together game jam researchers and academic in a scholarly exchange of ideas and presentations. An important addition to this year’s program is the game jam event reports. Similar to the games showcase track, organizers can submit papers about their game jam, describing the challenges and outcomes of their jam events and what they learned in the process. The Call for Papers has been released. Most deadlines are in December. Early-bird registration is available through January.